'Change' is a Currency Conversion Extension
for Firefox and Thunderbird. It will allow you to convert any amount in
a web page or an icoming or outgoing email just double-clicking it.
You will be able to chose from 36 currencies whose conversion rates are
read once a day from the Central European Bank, a source that one can
trust !
Each web site you visit may have a different currency setting, that
will be remembered for your next visit. On Thunderbird, the
currency setting you chose will be remembered for your next use of
The toolbar itself can be hidden once the currency settings are set.
Just use the context menu on the toolbar and uncheck its name !
To show it again, use the context menu on any other toolbar, and check its name again !
If you do not like the double click auto-insert, you may disable that functionality with just a click.
Here is what the toolbar looks like, with its english locale package.
Here is what the result looks like after you double clicked on an amount on an ebay page :

Another example from the french website Fnac.com :
And, finally, and example from Thunderbird :